Unlike Melinda, I did not grow up with Lord of the Rings in my house. My family had always believed that Lord of the Rings, was this dark,evil, and satanic film. I would look at the cover, and really think that these movies were just as bad as Harry Potter! But whenever I was with Melinda, she would NEVER stop talking about it! It was when one day she said "Lord of the Rings really helps me get a better picture of the Bible" And I'm just like, what are you talking about??? How can you even think about referring these films to the Bible??? Then she told me that the author who wrote these books was a devoted Christian, which got me to thinking, "Why would a devoted Christian write a satanic book?" Of course I couldn't of a reason, so I finally agreed to watch them, and I thought that it was going to be like a real serious movie where if you laugh, you die. But it was nothing like that! I was completely taken back about the whole Shire thing. I was just shocked that such an "evil" movie, would allow such joy to take place with the Hobbits. And then came the One Ring. When it first came on screen, I was like "Oh no, this is where it begins" but once again I was wrong! I was amazed through the whole thing, there was so much love, and self-sacrifice throughout the trilogy. I thought that Lord of the Rings, would be something that I would watch one time, and then never have a desire to watch it again. Little did I know that it would be my favorite movie of all time.

I've grown up with it, and Love IT SO much!!
I didn't really "grow up" with it, but my dad read the books way before he saw the movies, I'll have to say, I didn't really know anything about the movies until a few years ago, and I really didn't even know much then. I knew the basic thing, there is an ring and hobbits and other things and trying to destroy it.
But I really didn't have a desire to see the movies, I thought they were going to be weird. But then my parents let me and my brother watch them, and I was shocked in a way. I never thought I would like them as much as I did.
I also didn't know til a little while ago the J.R.R. Tolkien was a christian, and was really good friends with C.S Lewis. =D
p.s sorry for the long comment again, I have so many thoughts........... =D
My story is similar to yours. I always thought that LotR was some evil movie like Harry Potter.
But even after I watched it the first time I watched it it still was not my favorite movie. It's kind of hard to explain why, but the first time I watched it I had not gotten my glasses yet(And my vision is VERY bad :) so I was very confused. The story didn't make much sense to me because lots of the time I couldn't even tell who was who. I kept getting Aragorn and Faramir mixed up. (Dead serious my vision is that bad) Oh yeah Merry and Pippin looked exactly the same to me too. LOL!
But anyway my little sister worked with me and I got contacts and then I watched it again and then it became my all-time favorite movie. :)
Your first impressions were EXACTLY like mine, down from the 'isn't this a Harry Potter movie? And oh, the Prolouge is EXACTLY what I expected!' to the 'HEY!!! What in the world?! This is a GREEN country with these little people letting off fireworks! This isn't what it's supposed to be! It's supposed to be evil and dark!'
So surprise surprise! And this is a perfect blog for JUST lotr!! : )
From where the Willows weep
Very true! My family was and still is the same way, except me. I have never read/seen such a story besides the story of Christ that shows such compassion, love, sacrifice throughout it all. Sure there was evil, but the story does not make the evil look good- I thought it was a great representation of sin, as the ring (sin) appeals to even the good characters. Some parts in the movies are just so amazing, I start to cry (Sam carrying Frodo up Mt. Doom *tears*)
I like your blog! Yes, I'm not the only one that really like the Lord of the Rings! :)
believe it or not, i didn't used to like lord of the rings. (but of course now i love it) and i think it is an awesome story and everyone should read it!
I totally agree with your friend and you that you can relate so many things in this movie to the Bible. I thought I was the only one who thought that. I told my friend and she thought I was crazy. I mean, she loves LOTR, too... but she didn't see the comparison.
i think it is easy to think that way, my son was a bit off guard about the trilogy, but I assigned it to him for school and he loves it... I am so glad, my husband and i love it too... I think it is a bit to dark for the little-r children... but... it is such an amazing story with so much to help you grasp the walk of the Christian..
Have you all read George Macdonald, he was one of Tolkein and Lewis' mentors... someone they really looked to as young authors.. He is considerd the father of fantasy... Reading his stories, gave L. o Rings so much more depth...
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