The coolest race EVER!!!:) Okay, so I know a LOT of people would beg to disagree with me on that, but I really do think they are! Think about it, there is not a SINGLE Elf in Lord of the Rings who is not 'down-right-awesome'.
*Elrond: You know, it kinda makes me mad when people say that they hate, Elrond. I certainly don't. I think he's awesome! Oh, yes, he was VERY selfish at times, but if you look back at his past, its very understandable. Yes, he was wrong in trying to convince Arwen to leave to the Undying Lands, but he loved his daughter very much, despite everything he did. He reforged the Sword when Arwen asked him to(eventually;). And at the end where he tells Arwen "go to him" it just breaks my heart every time! GO ELROND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
*Celeborn: Granted, Celeborn's part is limited, but he still remains awesome. He says one of my favorite lines "Without Gandalf, hope is lost". *sigh* I just wish Peter Jackson had given him more screen time. GO CELEBORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Galadriel: O my goodness, Galadriel is SO awesome! She is truly the 'Lady of Light' because she is constantly opening people's eyes to the truth. There are some people who hate Galadriel, because they say she's 'creep' & 'weird'. When I see comments like this, I just shake my head & say "If they only knew". :) GO GALADRIEL!!!!!!!!!
*Haldir: Yeah, you ALL knew he was coming!:) My FAVORITE Elf in Middle-earth! He's the awesomeness!!! And to think that they actually KILLED HIM IN THE MOVIES!!! I cry EVERY time I watch that part, can't help it. But besides all that, he has the most awesome sense of humor, "The Dwarf breathed so loud, we could have shot him in the dark". He had very much love & pride for Galadriel & Celeborn. It also been debated whether Galadriel & Celeborn are his parents!:/ He also came up with one of my other lines in the books:
"Indeed in nothing is the power of the Dark Lord more clearly shown than in the estrangement that divides all those who still oppose him."
Yeah, that line really makes me think..... But anyway! I could go on & on about him but I won't:( GO HALDIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Arwen: I love Arwen because she is pure in the heart, and gave up everything to be with Aragorn. She also has that calm personality that I really admire about her. Yeah, I know a lot of guys believe that she did absolutely, but I beg to disagree. If I were her, I would have fled to the Undyng lands in a heartbeat. But she did just the opposite. I also LOVE the relationship she had with Elrond. GO ARWEN!!!!!!!!!!:)
*Legolas: Did you know that a lot of people think that I hate him, but you know what? They are DEAD WRONG!:) I'm not exactly the biggest fan of his, and I DO believe that Haldir is 10x more awesome, but I still like him. He has a great sense of humor, "Should I describe it you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" LOL! He's very loyal, and yes he's humble. I HATE it when people make 'shampoo jokes'!! They drive me CRAZY! And yes, Legolas WAS cooler than Aragorn! GO LEGOLAS!
ELVES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Elves rule!:)
YES!!! I agree with everything!! All the Elves in LotR RULE!
Yeah, I love ALL the Elves in Middle-earth.:) Legolas, Arwen & Haldir are my favorites though. I also hate shampoo jokes, I haven't come across a single one that was funny.
I also agree! Elves rule. Hobbits are awesome too though. ;)
Elves are simply amazing.
Elves are the best race EVER! I agree with you 100% :)
I agree about everything except Arwen. I never liked her that much at all. I'm not even 100% sure why.
Haldir is cool, but I'm so generic--Legolas is my favorite guy-elf.
Galadriel is the most amazing elf in my opinion. I completely agree with everything you said about her.
Echoes: Yeah, I know what you mean. I HATE those!
Elf Girl: LOL! Thanks for the support!:)
King's Daughter: Arwen & Haldir are my absolute favorites!:)
Moriah: *shifts one foot* Yeah, well Hobbits are cool in their own way(I ADORE Pippin!) but they just don't compare to EVLES!:)
Bekah: Yes, they truly are!:)
Elrania: YES! YES! YES!:)
Kendra: *gasp*! You don't like Arwen???!!! How could you??? LOL! JK!
Haldir will always be my favorite elf though;)
Thank you all for commenting!
I totally agree with you on the shampoo jokes as well. They make me really angry.
Just to ruin the theme completely... You DON'T like the shampoo jokes? OK, admittedly I've only ever read one... And it was very funny.
Eowyn's very messy hair obviously needs some shampoo! And Legolas's looks pretty good....
If your still reading... I LOVE the Lord of the Rings. I LOVE elves. If I heard someone saying they were dumb, they would get a mouthful.
And yes, Elrond is amazing!
I HATE it how they kill Haldir! It just, was, pointless.
I live the rest too, I just don't have time to write about all of them!
one more thing, I don't like it when people say they hate Elrond too, he's so awesome!
-Elránia of Rivendell
Like you blog check out mine sometime!
This blog is awesome!!! I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan and the elves are the coolest race in existence! I don't know much about Haldir, but I know EVERYTHING about Legolas! Come look at my blog, www.littlehouseinthewest.blogspot.com
LONG LIVE THE ELDAR!!! Elves indeed are the greatest race in Middle-earth. I love Haldir as well...but Legolas shall always be my favorite. SHAMPOO JOKES ARE OF SAURON!!!!!!!!! ;D
I LOVE Elrond!!!! And Haldir!!!! People always tell me that I like odd characters but that's alright, I love them anyway!
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